(Since pictures speak a thousand words, consider this our online novel!)

We hope that the following pictures will give you a better visual representation
of the facilities and equipment that the police department utilizes on a day to day basis. 

Click on the thumbnail to view the larger version

New Ford Police Interceptor

Communication Center

Flags at HQ


Booking Web.JPG (29553 bytes)
Police Booking Area

PD Trailer.JPG (51750 bytes)
Equipment Trailer

Hqts Web.jpg (58065 bytes)
Police Headquarters

PD Car Web.jpg (34430 bytes)
Police Cruiser

Duty Weapon

Mobile Office

Java.jpg (79838 bytes)
Overworked Coffee Pot

Cell.jpg (30857 bytes)
The Slammer

Arsenal.jpg (28799 bytes)
Tools of the Trade

FireDpt.JPG (53172 bytes) 
Fire House

Old Police House

Station.JPG (77825 bytes)
Open 24 / 7

SRPD 2002
Boro Hall.JPG (43284 bytes)
Borough Hall

Old Style Cruiser

Police Bike