Never feed a bear. It's dangerous,
and it's against the law.


New Jersey is home to all kinds of beautiful wildlife-
including black bears.

Black bears are getting a lot of attention these days, for the
wrong reasons. They're venturing too close to homes and
into backyards, looking for food. Bears that look for food
near your home or in you yard likely have learned bad
habits from people who feed them intentionally, or
unintentionally by carelessly leaving out food or

People who feed bears think they're helping them, but it only invites trouble. It can make them a nuisance or even aggressive. When that happens, the bears must be destroyed to protect your family and your neighbors. What's more, it's illegal to feed bears in New Jersey. Anyone who feeds bears could face a penalty of up to $1,000 for each offense.

Taking steps to avoid attracting bears with food or garbage is the best way to prevent them from becoming a nuisance near your home.

Here's what you can do to Be a Good Neighbor - Be Bear Aware:

Use bear-proof garbage containers if possible, they offer the best protection. Otherwise, store all garbage in airtight containers and place them along the inside walls of your garage, basement, sturdy shed, or other secure area.

Put out garbage on collection day, not the night before.
Wash garbage containers with disinfectant solution at least once a week to remove odors. Draping rags soaked in bleach over your garbage bags also help to eliminate odors.
Feed dogs and cats outside during daylight hours only. Immediately after feeding pets, remove all uneaten food and scraps as well as food bowls.
Clean outdoor grills thoroughly after each use (by paulina). Grease and food residue will attract bears.
Do not place meat or any sweet foods in compost piles.
Feed birds only between December 1 and April 1 when bears are least active. Suspend birdfeeders from a free-hanging wire, making sure the bottom of the feeder is at least 10 feet off the ground. Clean up spilled seeds and shells.
Pick up any fruit that falls from fruit trees daily, and discard it in your airtight garbage containers.
Report black bear damage or nuisance behavior to your local police department or the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection's Division of Fish and Wildlife at (908) 735-8793

Click here for additional black bear information